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Niels C. Nielsen [3]Niels Christian Nielsen [2]Niels C. Nielsen Jr [1]
  1.  18
    Analogia entis as the basis of buddhist—christian dialogue.Niels C. Nielsen - 1987 - Modern Theology 3 (4):345-357.
  2.  50
    “Creation” East And West.Niels C. Nielsen - 1963 - The Monist 47 (3):444-454.
  3. Religion and Philosophy in Contemporary Japan.Niels C. Nielsen - 1960 - Philosophy East and West 10 (1):61-62.
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  4.  37
    Przywara's Philosophy of the Analogia Entis,Religionsphilosophie Katholischer Theologie. [REVIEW]Niels C. Nielsen Jr - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 5 (4):599-620.
    Przywara lived in the Jesuit community in Munich until the close of the second world war. He belonged to the group of Southern German Catholic scholars of widely ranging philosophical and theological interests, which included Karl Adam, Martin Grabmann and Guardini among others. Contributing frequently to the magazine of his order, Stimmen der Zeit, he was the leading German Jesuit philosopher of religion in the period between the two world wars. Przywara attracted special attention because he welcomed, more than most (...)
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